[ 彩材拆拆 x UNWRAP CMF ]
Ch25. Unwrapping CMF Design on Color Psychology
Ch25. 拆招CMF設計談色彩心理學是一門科學
CMF is a specialized area within industrial design that focuses on the development of products‘ color, material, and finish. Unwrap CMF shares bite-sized stories with digestible contents for anyone and everyone, inspiring curious minds about CMF Design. Enjoy learning? Use the mentioned terminologies to kick-start your research journey. Messages are always welcome! LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️
Logics for design proposals can be easily established with the M (material) and F (finishing) of CMF, based on the rationality of process, cost, production feasibility, etc. (中文請見下方)
In contrast, the C (color) in CMF is often regarded as a subjective personal choice.
That is not exactly wrong. It’s true that we all have different color preferences. That’s why when brand companies launch products, the first SKU is often a mainstream color to ensure sales, such as black, silver, blue (varies by industry). Sometimes they would call this a “safe color”, often a choice of color which consumers can gladly accept if their personal favorite is not available.
Though we have our own preferences, color can trigger a range of diverse emotions. Color is also often used to describe mood, such as Monday Blue (coming up tomorrow!?)。
Color psychology is no myth. Scientists have been studying the emotional impacts behind each color. Most research findings can be traced back to our surrounding environment: subconsciously, we would associate white with brightness, black with shadowy darkness, red with fiery fire, and so on.
Here is another famous example: most food are in warmer colors (yellow, red, green, orange, etc.). Blue is relatively rare in food, and therefore it is discovered that blue does not trigger appetite like others, hence its seldom usage by the food industry.
What does that mean for CMF Designers? Because color psychology is science, it can be used to strengthen the persuasiveness of a design proposal. For example, when designing kitchenware, we can use color psychology as a rationale to lessen the use of blue as an option. That is a new perspective besides our aesthetic view, and is especially valuable when communicating with non-design peers?
To dive further for more color psychology tips, check out this list of recommended reading for CMF design?
Recommended Reading for CMF Design
CMF全稱為Color Material and Finishing,屬於工業設計旗下專注於產品色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝的關鍵一環。UNWRAP CMF 彩材拆拆圍繞著這個主題,以淺而易懂的小故事拆解CMF設計的日常。CMF學無止盡,善用CMF關鍵字繼續網上鑽研。討論交流請來信至 LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️
雖然我們有各自的偏好,但色彩 —— 無論是 #色相 、 #明度 、或 #彩度 ,皆能觸發不同的情緒,而色彩也經常被用來形容心情,比如Monday Blue(沒錯就是明天☺️)。
色彩心理學 並非玄學。各國學者長年致力於研究色彩背後的情緒影響力,並逐漸累積了大量的研究發現,多數與我們生活的週遭環境有關,在淺移默化之中,我們下意識的會認為白色代表光明、黑色代表陰暗、紅色代表炙熱,以此類推。
對於CMF設計師而言,因為色彩心理學建立於 科學 的基礎之上,若善加運用,可用其增加提案的說服力。比如為廚具產品做的配色,就可以利用色彩心理學的邏輯排除藍色,成為 美學 之外的另一種切入點,在跟非設計背景的對象溝通時,尤其加分?

Many psychological studies have pointed out that tablet colors can promote diverse emotions such as stimulant or sedative effects.

Most food are in warm tones, therefore appetite is less triggered by blue shades, hence its rare use by the food industry.

Needless to explain why blue hints freedom in color psychology.

These two books can take readers to explore further with colors, including the basics and application of color psychology.