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List of Recommended Reading for Learning CMF Design

Hello, book worms? Here is a list of recommended reading for CMF Design! To be honest, I am not a huge book worm myself and when I do read, I spend more time with other genre. Nonetheless, I am putting together this list of books that I have personally read and enjoyed, or heard very good words of that are closely related to CMF Design.

If you are already in the field, treat these as good tools on the side of work. If you are just tipping your toe in the water of CMF Design, here are books that can get you started with wandering around in the amazingness of CMF! Hope you enjoy!

Please feel free to comment and recommend any missing book in the list!



CMF Design: The Fundamental Principles of Colour, Material and Finish Design
By Liliana Becerra
💡 Just like the name suggests, the book is everything you need to know about CMF Design! Since its first release in 2016, Liliana’s book of CMF Design has become the bible for this field! A must-have on a CMF reading list!

Fashion Trend Forecasting
By Gwyneth Holland and Rae Jones
English, translation available in Chinese
💡 Have you heard of WGSN? Do you know about their history and how they do trend forecasting? Why is trend forecasting needed for companies? Good read for trend forecasting beginners to get insights about trend forecasting along with examples and interviews of trend experts.

The Trend Forecaster’s Handbook
By Martin Raymond

💡 I have not yet personally read this book, but I heard it is very educational in the field of trend forecasting. I also heard the content is very comprehensive so I expect it to be able to answer all kinds of questions about trend forecasting? Also, check out The Future Laboratory’s website by the author!

Interaction of color
By Josef Albers
💡 I have not yet personally read this book, however, it has pop in the list of recommendation more than once so it deserves a spot in the list. And c’mon, it’s Josef Albers! For that, it cannot go wrong?

L’étonnant Pouvoir des Couleurs
By Jean-Gabriel Causse
English, translation available in Chinese
💡 This little book is a quick-and-easy read about colors that I have really enjoyed! It comes with very insightful stories, diving into the facts of colors from many dimensions: color history, science, psychology, and more. Quick read, definitely recommend!

The Little Book of Colour: How to Use the Psychology of Colour to Transform Your Life
By Karen Haller
💡 I got this beautiful book from a dear friend (and a career mentor). It is everything about colors and great for anyone – seriously, it is for everyone, whether you are not yet familiar with colors, or already an expert in the field, it is a book for you.

The Manufacturing Guides: Product and Furniture Design
By Rob Thompson
English, translation available in Chinese
💡 CMF is not just about colors! This book comes with the introduction of many manufacturing processes, and will get you into the knowledge of how a product is made. It is good to have it ready in hand and treat it as a dictionary of product manufacturing.

Making It: Manufacturing Techniques for Product Design
By Chris Lefteri
English, translation available in Chinese
💡 Another useful tool book for learning about manufacturing processes by Chris Lefteri, a remarkable material speaker and author in the world of CMF! I keep seeing this book pop out when industrial designers share about their book collections. It was first published in 2007 and have been out with multiple editions. You could find second-hand options under USD$10 (the content is priceless!), making this an affordable choice for students without spending too much in the first place!

The Materials Sourcebook for Design Professionals
By Martin Thompson and Rob Thompson
English, translation available in Chinese

💡 After releasing “The Manufacturing Guides”, Rob Thompson published this one in 2011 focusing on materials – another popular book collection for industrial design professionals. There is also another book specifically for sustainable materials (“Sustainable Materials, Processes and Production” – Rob Thompson) for anyone interested in the topic of sustainability!

Problem-solving CMF Fixer. Formerly manages the CMF Design team at Motorola, and currently a New York-based and world-traveling Design Consultant with specialty in CMF Design since 2011. 高雄囡仔,前世帶領摩托羅拉CMF設計團隊,今生定居於紐約並遊牧世界,任自由撰稿人兼CMF設計顧問,持續投入在CMF設計的科普推廣,並為提供CMF專案支持或諮詢服務。

2 thoughts

  1. CMF is exciting area which connects marketers, industrial designers and materials abs high tech products developers!
    Insights are very useful for career professionals across value chain!

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