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Ch23. 拆招CMF設計談從環境友善到永續

CMF is a specific discipline within industrial design that focuses on the development of a product’s color, material, and finish. Unwrap CMF shares bite-sized stories of CMF Design to inform and inspire those interested in this niche yet fascinating field, with digestible contents for anyone and everyone. Comments and inspirations are welcome!

Environmental protection has been a long-standing topic in CMF Design, but its focus slowly evolves as time passes by. (中文請見下方)

In the early days, we would usually use “eco-friendly” as the keyword, that is, natural materials such as wood. However, after realizing that we cannot take away plastic from modern life, the focus of the discussion has evolved into the “sustainability” of material usage.

Sustainability is a broad genre. There are many possibilities at the implementation level: natural materials, material repurpose (such as coffee grounds, pineapple fibers, etc.), material recycling, energy reduction during manufacturing, etc.

However, the biggest challenge is the speed of popularity. Take bamboo fiber as an example: since its official appearance in the early 2000’s, it hasn’t been popularized in the consumer market until the past few years. Even so, due to its material property, bamboo fiber is still rejected by industries of strict testing standards.

Popularization in manufacturing is just as challenging. Taking mobile phone industry as another example. Although water-based paint has been widely used on other products, it is hardly implementable in the mobile phone industry. In this industry that traditionally uses oil-based paint, to switch to water-based paint, the transportation, storage, and production lines all have to be reconstructed.

Neither eco-friendliness or sustainability is an easy path. It requires all of us to work together, and that means the manufacturers, designers, and consumers.

Lastly, let’s look at it from a different angle: the evolution from eco-friendliness to sustainability is a vivid example of changes in consumer trends. I won’t dive into trend forecasting this time, but let me throw out a question to think about: if standing in the time of 2000, would you agree more with “zero plastic” or “plastic recycling and repurpose”?

Continue reading:
Ch20. Unwrapping CMF Design on Sustainable Material Library
Ch36. Unwrapping CMF Design on the Long Journey of Material Development – PETSPUN®

CMF為Color Material and Finishing,屬於工業設計旗下專注於產品色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝的關鍵一環。Unwrap CMF彩材拆拆圍繞著這個主題,以淺而易懂的小故事拆解CMF設計的日常。歡迎留言分享!








Ch20. 拆招CMF設計談永續材質圖書館
Ch.36 拆招CMF設計談材料研發非一日千里 —— 保特紗®

Environmental protection includes but not limited to use of natural materials, recycling, energy reduction during manufacturing, etc.
(Photo taken at Sustainable Material Library by ?????? ???.)
In the earlier time, environmental awareness was limited to non-manmade materials such as wood.
And then environmental awareness began to extend to the idea of material recycling, such as floor mats made of recycled tires.
(Photo taken at Sustainable Material Library by ?????? ???.)
Various applications of recycled ocean waste through hot pressing.
(Photo taken at Sustainable Material Library by ?????? ???.)
Bamboo fiber is a well-developed organic material. Lately, we are also seeing innovations with coffee grounds, pineapple fiber, etc.
(Octagonal plate made of bamboo fiber by TZULAï.)

Enjoy learning? Use the CMF terminologies mentioned above and continue on with your own research journey on the web. Comments and inspirations are welcome!
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Problem-solving CMF Fixer. Formerly manages the CMF Design team at Motorola, and currently a New York-based and world-traveling Design Consultant with specialty in CMF Design since 2011. 高雄囡仔,前世帶領摩托羅拉CMF設計團隊,今生定居於紐約並遊牧世界,任自由撰稿人兼CMF設計顧問,持續投入在CMF設計的科普推廣,並為提供CMF專案支持或諮詢服務。

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