[ 彩材拆拆 x UNWRAP CMF ]
Ch12. Unwrapping CMF Design on Has Your Creativity Been Tested?
Ch12. 拆招CMF設計談你的創造力通過測試了嗎?
CMF is a specialized area within industrial design that focuses on the development of products‘ color, material, and finish. Unwrap CMF shares bite-sized stories with digestible contents for anyone and everyone, inspiring curious minds about CMF Design. Enjoy learning? Use the mentioned terminologies to kick-start your research journey. Messages are always welcome! LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️
When I was working at a cafe the other day, another customer was using the exact same mouse as mine. That made me turn my head to look at the poor little fella in my hand. It has gone through two years of torture – throwing into my bag, rattling with key chains and other sharp CMF samples. And there is quite a lot of “jump-off-the-roof” accidents. (中文請見下方)
Thankfully, the tough time did not make it give up. On the contrary, the surface is still polished and looking new. I could hardly find one scratch.
What we usually call “durable“, is also an indispensable responsibility for CMF designers.
Color proposal is just a start, followed by never-ending challenges, including quality testing. For example, fluorescent material changes color after UV solar; paint with too much metal content will interfere with the antenna performance of a mobile phone; the coating of wearable accessories must pass allergy test; if the making of a kitchenware has any harmful ingredient to the human body, the scratch resistance of the surface layer becomes extremely crucial.
Likewise, surface texture is more than just pattern design: will in-mold texture be easily scratched? If the pattern is done by a laminated film, will it peel-off in high temperature or be bubbling in a high-humidity environment?
Such questions are just the tip of an iceberg. Especially under the rapid globalization, many products are distributed to different corners of the world with diverse temperatures and humidity. Therefore, testing standards are becoming more rigorous in order to adapt to the global market.
However, there is no shortcuts. It can only be done step-by-step with patience, and aim to meet industry standards within the given schedule.
Although there are colleagues to conduct these tests, a responsible CMF designer should be avoiding known risks in advance when making proposals, and continue to work closely during the project process.
CMF全稱為Color Material and Finishing,屬於工業設計旗下專注於產品色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝的關鍵一環。UNWRAP CMF 彩材拆拆圍繞著這個主題,以淺而易懂的小故事拆解CMF設計的日常。CMF學無止盡,善用CMF關鍵字繼續網上鑽研。討論交流請來信至 LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️
前幾天在咖啡館用電腦時,旁桌的客人用著和我一模一樣的滑鼠 。轉頭看看我手中的同款滑鼠,這可憐的小傢伙,歷經兩年多的摧殘,平日裡少不了的是隨手往包包一扔,和鑰匙、材料樣品等尖銳物近距離摩擦,時不時還會發生各種墜樓意外。

Products that have gone through abrasion test, their surface including the logo can look fairly new after years of using.

As tiny as a logo, either screen-printing or laser-engraving represent different cost and scratch resistance.

Wearable products need to include skin allergy test to avoid skin rashes after long-period of wearing.