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Ch11. 拆招CMF設計談從心導航邁向前方

CMF is a specific discipline within industrial design that focuses on the development of a product’s color, material, and finish. Unwrap CMF shares bite-sized stories of CMF Design to inform and inspire those interested in this niche yet fascinating field, with digestible contents for anyone and everyone. Comments and inspirations are welcome!

Back in April 2021, I had the opportunity to host a Clubhouse session with Timothy Liao from ASUS, and Nigel Liu from dxpresso, to share the bitter sweet of the reality – what is it like working in the design industry? (中文請見下方)

Admitted into a design program is the first step towards your dream, but stepping into the real world awaits beyond. Are you about to graduate in a year or two? Or perhaps, you are going through the transition period in your thirties? Whenever you are at a crossroads, how do you know if you are making the “right” turn?

In addition to “hard requirements” such as salary, job title, and geographical location, when it comes to making career choices, the “soft requirements” are equally important. Before making the ultimate decision, don’t forget to spend time getting to know yourself: what are your strengths, weaknesses, and non-negotiable principles?

Once, there was an interviewer rumored to be stern and unapproachable. Surprisingly, this person became one of the mentors I am most thankful for and trust with my fullest heart. Working with him allowed me to wholeheartedly and efficiently focus on my career while maintaining a balanced personal life.

There was once a company where, before I joined, I frequently heard people saying, “The waters run deep there! Are you sure about going?” And again, surprisingly, this company turned out to be my longest-tenured job, and I continued to cherish every moment after I had left for graduate school. I hold deep respect for this company because it equally valued all its employees.

Somewhere in this company’s Shenzhen office, there was an inspirational quote that happened to be quite fitting: “Listen to the opinions of the majority, consult with a few, and make your own decisions.

Before embarking on a career path or joining a company, seeking advice from multiple sources can be beneficial. However, others can only offer advice; they can’t make decisions for you.

Some view challenges as opportunities, while some see comfort as lack of progress. Everyone has different perspective and preferences. If you dare to break new ground, a well-established company may have fewer arenas for you. If you’re learning in a new field, having experienced guides within the team can be particularly important.

Working in a large corporation as a tiny-mini screw, juggling multiple roles in a small company, or starting your own business as the boss each come with their own risks and advantages. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. May everyone find a journey that suits each sparkling soul.

Wishing all of us that our earnest efforts will find a place to shine!

CMF為Color Material and Finishing,屬於工業設計旗下專注於產品色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝的關鍵一環。Unwrap CMF彩材拆拆圍繞著這個主題,以淺而易懂的小故事拆解CMF設計的日常。歡迎留言分享!

此為 Clubhouse 採訪預告!本週日台灣時間4月17日晚間10點,我將和兩位工業設計大神廖小熊劉小美連線,在Clubhouse上跟大家分享設計人在各種工作環境的幸福和辛酸,記得設定行事曆喔 ⏰https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/m7rbGrLE


除了薪資、頭銜、地理位置等「硬性條件」之外,在抉擇職涯時,同樣重要的是「軟性的需求」 — 在究極の選擇之前,別忘了花時間認識自己:你的長處是什麼、軟肋在哪裡、又有哪些不能妥協的觀點?






話不囉唆,先讓Timothy LiaoNigel Liu來跟大家聊聊在大企業做顆小螺絲釘、在小公司身兼數職、或者創業當老闆,分別有什麼風險和優勢?ID和CMF又如何分工?這裡沒有正確答案,但願聽完分享之後,你能找到適合自己的旅程。


Ch7. 拆招CMF設計談跨產業的源源機會
Ch15. 拆招CMF設計談向世界展示最好的自己

The rich resources of large enterprises also comes with guidelines to follow carefully.
There is no boundary for creativity at a startup brand, which also means that most details need to be done by yourself.
At all companies, design proposals come with background reasons.

Enjoy learning? Use the CMF terminologies mentioned above and continue on with your own research journey on the web. Comments and inspirations are welcome!
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Problem-solving ??? ?????. Former head of CMF at Motorola. A New York-based and world-traveling Design Consultant with over 13 years of specialty in CMF Design. 高雄囡仔,前摩托羅拉CMF設計團隊負責人,目前定居於紐約並遊牧世界,任自由撰稿人兼CMF設計顧問,持續投入在CMF設計的科普推廣,並為WGSN及羅技等公司提供CMF專案支持或諮詢服務。

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