We are always so focused on design-thinking that we forget about ”design-feeling“. Emotions are a powerful gateway to open a wordless ”conversation“ with the audience and shape your branding message.
After all, as consumers, we all have those impulse moments making unexplainable purchases, just cause we feel like it.
”Designing Emotions – A CMF Moodboarding Workshop“ took us to practice the power of emotions in product design, and got us familiar with how we could curate product emotions using CMF (color, material, finish) as a medium, and how emotions can elevate consumer experiences of physical products.
Unspeakable gratitude to Women in Design New York City especially Sherry and Joyce for making this happen, Parsons School of Design for the generous space, and everyone who joined us on this day. You are such an amazing group of people to enjoy a Saturday afternoon with. I can’t wait to bring more CMF to my dear NYC design community!
這場主題是「Designing Emotions: A CMF Moodboarding Workshop」 —— 設計思考(design thinking)是設計教育的一大基礎,但design-feeling #情感設計 也可以幫助品牌設立強烈的形象,還可以填補言語無法表述的空白,這正是CMF可以補強的細節。
感謝美國工業設計師協會IDSA的Women in Design的支持以及Parsons設計學院的場地,還有每個參加的同學,你們積極的參與度真的很令人感動!

Image credit: IDSA Women in Design New York

Image credit: IDSA Women in Design New York