[ 彩材拆拆 x UNWRAP CMF ]
Ch.45 Unwrapping CMF Design on Manufacturability with Hida Lab
Ch.45 拆招CMF設計談Hida Lab的可製造性
CMF is a specialized area within industrial design that focuses on the development of products‘ color, material, and finish. Unwrap CMF shares bite-sized stories with digestible contents for anyone and everyone, inspiring curious minds about CMF Design. Enjoy learning? Use the mentioned terminologies to kick-start your research journey. Messages are always welcome! LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️

If you’re a CMF Designer, chances are you’ve come across Hida Lab‘s stunning work on their LinkedIn and Instagram. If you’ve ever wondered what exactly Hida Lab does, let’s take a closer look into the CMF wonderland of Hida Lab! (中文請見下方)
With their beautifully crafted CMF samples, you might mistake Hida Lab for a design agency or prototyping company. Their posts are so perfect and flawless that at times I even wondered if they were computer-generated renderings – until I got to see these samples in person.
Hida Lab is actually a CMF brand operated by Intops, a manufacturing pioneer from South Korea.
Intops’ manufacturing expertise dates back to 1981, starting with consumables and consumer electronics, and expanding broadly over the past few decades. With Intops’ fully developed production lines, the company now ventures into a wide range of products, from automobile interiors to AI, health, home tech, robotics, cosmetics, and children’s products.

Intops recently launched Hida Lab as its CMF brand, building upon its well-established manufacturing expertise since 1981.
This means that every CMF sample presented by Hida Lab is either already manufacturable by Intops or in the concept development stage, soon to hit the market.
This goes beyond what a typical design agency or prototyping company can offer. Anything showcased on a physical prototype can be brought to life through Intops’ mature and available manufacturing processes – injection molding, coating, tooling, CNC, lamination, and more, you name it.

Product categories include mobile phones and automobile parts.
Since Hida Lab is not a design company, their CMF Specialists collaborate closely with business clients’ design teams from concept to production, making them the perfect partner especially for companies with strong creative teams but in need of additional manufacturing guidance.
The synergy between Intops and Hida Lab is remarkable. While some manufacturers may have dedicated design teams, Hida Lab’s CMF focus allows Intops to welcome business clients with their own designers, fostering a close partnership to bring out the best in each other, and truly bridging creativity with manufacturability.

Recently, luxury brands have also been using CMF resources to enhance the perceived quality of cosmetic packaging.
Ready to connect? ⬇️
Intops welcomes business collaborations and also offers a mentorship “Paper Program,” providing guidance and support to aspiring tech startups. You might have heard of a few of their proud partnerships, including Josh AI and Dot Card.
For individual designers or design students who are not part of any company, you can still find their resources valuable. Hida Lab’s physical CMF library is based in Anyang, South Korea, just a subway ride from Seoul. While it is open to public tours once a year, their online CMF library is free and accessible to everyone at any time!
CMF全稱為Color Material and Finishing,屬於工業設計旗下專注於產品色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝的關鍵一環。UNWRAP CMF 彩材拆拆圍繞著這個主題,以淺而易懂的小故事拆解CMF設計的日常。CMF學無止盡,善用CMF關鍵字繼續網上鑽研。討論交流請來信至 LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️
身為CMF設計師,很大可能你已經在LinkedIn或Instagram上欣賞過Hida Lab令人驚嘆的作品。好奇Hida Lab到底做什麼嗎?讓我們一起走訪位於南韓的Hida Lab吧!

Hida Lab’s CMF library showcases Intops’ cross-industry works, using diverse materials and manufacturing solutions.
因為Hida Lab的CMF樣品實在太精美了,經常會被誤會為設計公司或模型廠。甚至他們每一篇PO文都完美無瑕,讓我幾度誤會是電腦生成的渲染圖 —— 直到我終於有機會眼見為憑。
其實,Hida Lab附屬於Intops旗下,這是一家來自韓國的製造集團,而Hida Lab為Intops經營的CMF品牌。
這意味著,Hida Lab呈現的每個CMF樣品要麼已備量產性,要麼正處在開發階段,片刻便可面市。

Intops has been expanding to an array of tech products, such as AI, health and home tech, and various consumer electronics.
由於Hida Lab並非設計公司,他們的CMF專家與客戶的設計團隊密切合作,從概念直至生產為止。尤其對於擁有設計團隊卻欠缺製造經驗的公司,更是難得的完美夥伴。
Intops並非第一家擁有專門設計團隊的製造商,但正因Hida Lab的CMF重點,使Intops能順利吸引到世界各地的品牌,讓客戶帶來自身的設計團隊,並發揮彼此最佳的優勢,真正將設計力和製造力的無縫結合。

Hida Lab has an extensive collection of beautifully crafted CMF samples, to better present Intops’ manufacturing capabilities.
準備好認識Hida Lab了嗎? ⬇️
Intops非常歡迎各行業的商業合作,另提供「Paper Program」的新創扶持企劃,為科技新創公司提供製造指導和支援。他們過往已和許多成功的新創合作過,其中不乏許多如今已嶄露頭角的新創品牌,包括Josh AI和Dot Card等。
對不在公司任職的獨立設計師或設計學生,Hida Lab依然具備很高的CMF價值。他們的實體CMF圖書館位於南韓安陽,從首爾搭地鐵即達。雖然實體圖書館每年僅向公眾開放一次,但Hida Lab的線上CMF圖書館免費開放,任何人隨時隨地都可以好好運用喔!