[ 彩材拆拆 x UNWRAP CMF ]
Ch6. Unwrapping CMF Design on CMF Educational Resources
Ch6. 拆招CMF設計談CMF教育資源
CMF is a specialized area within industrial design that focuses on the development of products‘ color, material, and finish. Unwrap CMF shares bite-sized stories with digestible contents for anyone and everyone, inspiring curious minds about CMF Design. Enjoy learning? Use the mentioned terminologies to kick-start your research journey. Messages are always welcome! LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️
This is a reminder of the Clubhouse interview! This Sunday, at 10:00 p.m., Mar. 14th, Taipei time, join me and Gigi Lin @pignose.cmf for stories of the CMF MFA program at CCS (the interview will be in Mandarin Chinese). Remember to set your calendar ⏰
It might be better nowadays, but more than a decade ago, CMF was an extremely rare field with little information to be searched, and let alone its limited educational resources. (中文請見下方)
Over the course of these years, there have been some credit courses in Finland and UK. The Color and Material Design MFA program at CCS (College of Creative Studies) in Detroit may be the first master program exclusively dedicated to CMF Design. Join us on Clubhouse to hear more details!
Touchingly, in Taiwan, many experienced CMF experts have also stepped into education. These are experts with a diverse range of skillsets ranging from color theory, manufacturing process, trend analysis, corporate training, and more!
Although compared with other design fields, resources are limited for CMF Design, but fortunately enough, the experts who are willing to step into CMF education, they came with a BIG heart for CMF and talent education, and therefore even with the absence of competition, the quality of these CMF educational resources only becomes greater.
Also because these experts are with decades of industry experiences, making these educational resources with advanced practicability.
This is just the beginning. In the future, there will be more CMF experts to step into talent education to share what they have learned at work with the younger generation, so that these outstanding young talents can make their school-taught skills even more practical.
Let me save the talk, and look forward to voice-meeting tomorrow at 10 p.m. on Clubhouse!
CMF全稱為Color Material and Finishing,屬於工業設計旗下專注於產品色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝的關鍵一環。UNWRAP CMF 彩材拆拆圍繞著這個主題,以淺而易懂的小故事拆解CMF設計的日常。CMF學無止盡,善用CMF關鍵字繼續網上鑽研。討論交流請來信至 LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️
此為 Clubhouse 採訪預告!本週日台灣時間3月14日晚間10點,我將和遠在美國的林俞茹連線,在Clubhouse上跟大家分享CMF研究所的小故事,記得設定行事曆喔
這幾年陸續在芬蘭、英國分別有一些學分課程。美國CCS設計大學(College of Creative Studies)的Color and Material Design MFA應該是第一個專屬於CMF的碩士學位課程。加入我們的Clubhouse聽Gigi分享更多CCS經驗~

CMF rendering practices from the MFA courses at CCS.
Image provided by Gigi Lin @pignose.cmf

CMF trials done with the waste of Chinese herbal medicines.
Image provided by Gigi Lin @pignose.cmf

How project presentation is done during the pandemic.
Image provided by Gigi Lin @pignose.cmf
Hello, 您好:我是剛踏入CMF這個領域的新手菜鳥,真的很感激有您的寶貴分享,如同文章內提到,相關的資源內容不太多,我嘗試的找國內的課程資源也都找不太到。還想請教您,提到很多前輩都踏入人才培育,冒昧地請教您是否能再提供一些國內的資源?我正在努力地將每一篇文章好好的閱讀,希望有天也能夠分享所學。再次地感謝您!
Hi Rina Shin, 謝謝您的分享!趕快去記錄下來~謝謝您!