[ 彩材拆拆 x UNWRAP CMF ]
Ch.44 Unwrapping CMF Design on Why Oh Why Color Difference?
Ch.44 拆招CMF設計談為什麼你的產品有色差?

CMF is a specialized area within industrial design that focuses on the development of products‘ color, material, and finish. Unwrap CMF shares bite-sized stories with digestible contents for anyone and everyone, inspiring curious minds about CMF Design. Enjoy learning? Use the mentioned terminologies to kick-start your research journey. Messages are always welcome! LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️

In previous chapters, we learned that mass production cannot achieve 100% consistency with the golden sample. The role of CMF is to determine a feasible limit range that considers both production practicality and visual appeal, serving as the standard for saturation, brightness, gloss levels, and other visual parameters. (中文請見下方)

Controlling the color formula for the same materials and processes is already challenging, let alone when different materials or processes are used on the same product. Metal color differ in brightness and lightness due to its angle-dependent reflection. That means, even if the anodized metal part can match nicely to the magenta color of an injection plastic, metal color can still differ at different angles.

Anodized metal matching plastic’s color might still differ in brightness and lightness due to angle-dependent reflection.

You might think it would be easier for black, gray, and white. But it’s not. Even the slightest color difference will be a lot more noticeable compared to other colors.

At factories, part inspection (also known as Quality Control) and parts assembly are handled by different teams, handling their tasks indepedently. While very few high-investment factories would purchase automatic color detection systems, most assembly lines in reality cannot afford additional labor or equipment. This makes controlling color differences in actual assembly not as easy as one might imagine.

If two parts happen to be at the extremes upper or lower of their limit ranges, when they’re put together, there will be very noticeable differences in color.

Now, the questions is: Is there anything we can do? Yes! Imagine these scenarios:

Scenario One
Golden sample: C
First part is ranged between color A, B, and C
Second part is ranged between color C, D, and E
The maximum color difference between the two would be A to E (4 tiers away)

Scenario Two
Golden sample: C
First part is ranged between color B, C, and D
Second part is ranged between color B, C, and D
The maximum color difference between the two would be B to D (2 tiers away)

This reminds us that if only golden sample is the only reference, huge color gap can occur between different parts. Therefore, when approving samples, we need to not only refer to the golden sample, but also cross-referencing the limit boards of other parts of the same product.

This will ensure that each part’s range stays within the same standard, so the efforts already spent on color-tuning for each material and process will not go to waste.

If two parts are at the extremes of their limit ranges, assembling them together will result in noticeable color differences.

CMF全稱為Color Material and Finishing,屬於工業設計旗下專注於產品色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝的關鍵一環。UNWRAP CMF 彩材拆拆圍繞著這個主題,以淺而易懂的小故事拆解CMF設計的日常。CMF學無止盡,善用CMF關鍵字繼續網上鑽研。討論交流請來信至 LinkedIn | Instagram | Email ✉️

在之前的文章中,我們了解到量產中無法完全達到標準樣(golden sample)的百分一百一致。CMF的職責便在於定奪一個既符合量產可行性又兼顧視覺效果的限度範圍(limit range),以此為基準判定鮮豔度、明暗、光啞等的外觀標準。



White isn’t any easier. Even the slightest color difference will be more noticeable compared to other colors.

在工廠端,品質檢驗QC(Quality Control)和零件組裝是不同的團隊,各司其職。儘管少數高投資的組裝線可能配備了自動辨色系統,但多數的組裝線並無法投入額外的人力或設備,因此在實際生產組裝中,色差的掌控並不像想像中那麼容易。



兩者最大色差距離為A~E 四個色階之差

兩者最大色差距離為B~D 兩個色階之差

這提醒我們,如果在簽樣時只單單參考標準樣,不同零件也可能出現極大的色差。所以在簽樣時,除了參考標準樣之外,也要反覆比對同個產品、不同零件的限度版(limit boards),以確保每個零件的限度範圍都在相同的範圍標準內,才不會枉費已在材料和製程上投入的調色心血。

If two parts are at the extremes of their limit ranges, assembling them together will result in noticeable color differences.

Problem-solving CMF Fixer. Formerly manages the CMF Design team at Motorola, and currently a New York-based and world-traveling Design Consultant with specialty in CMF Design since 2011. 高雄囡仔,前世帶領摩托羅拉CMF設計團隊,今生定居於紐約並遊牧世界,任自由撰稿人兼CMF設計顧問,持續投入在CMF設計的科普推廣,並為提供CMF專案支持或諮詢服務。
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