CMF is short for Color Material and Finishing. It is a specific discipline within industrial design that focuses on the development of a product’s color, material, and finish. CMF Design (and in other names) can be found in various industries such as consumer electronics, transportation, home space, fashion, and more. (中文請見下方)

The beauty of CMF Design lies in its diversification. From trend forecast, color strategy, material innovations, manufacturing processes, to execution for mass-production – all of these are not enough to cover the entire spectrum of CMF Design! And that’s exactly what makes CMF Design such a fascinating field. Whatever your skills or passions, there’s something in CMF for you!

Equipping CMF knowledge isn’t just for CMF Designers. It is essential for the growth of Industrial Designers too. As CMF Design significantly impacts how a product is perceived and the success of bring a product from screen to reality, whether you are a design student, an engineer, a product manager, an entrepreneur, or anyone involved in the making of physical products, these CMF insights will enrich your path in creating high-quality final deliverables.

And you’re in the right spot for it! Compared to other design fields, CMF is relatively new and seldom heard of. Navigating CMF contents online can feel like a confusing maze. That’s why Unwrap CMF brings to you bite-sized stories of CMF Design, easy to digest, and perfect for anyone curious in this niche yet fascinating field.

“What is CMF Design?” online course in now available on Udemy Go

For readers at all levels, the contents of Unwrap CMF is intended to be easily digestible while capturing the wide scope of CMF Design. Each blog post is a bite-sized story of CMF Design, explained and visualized. Also check out my podcast where I enjoy a casual chat with experts all around the world about our passion in CMF!

My name is Rina Shin. I have practiced in the CMF field since 2011 and at a several Fortune 500 companies moving around the globe. Before moving back to the U.S. to pursue a M.A. degree at Columbia University, my latest journey was with Motorola leading its CMF Design team in China. I am currently resided in New York as a content creator for Unwrap CMF and a CMF Design Consultant working for global companies like Logitech, WGSN, and more.

Welcome to Unwrap CMF! I am glad to be here with you on this CMF journey. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and I welcome any projects or topics you’d like to dive into together! Send me a message.

“CMF Fixer” Expertise
• Color Data & Strategy
• Creative Directions
• Material Manufacturing
• Trend Forecasting
• Design Workshops
• Talent Matching
• All-things problem solving!

2020-Present Unwrap CMF CMF Consultant & Educator
2017-2020 Motorola (Lenovo) Head of CMF
2015-2017 Alcatel (TCL) Head of CMF
2014-2015 Nokia (Microsoft) Senior CMF Designer
2013-2014 Yang Design CMF Design & Operation Manager
2011-2013 T-Mobile CMF Designer
M.A. in Quantitative Methods at Columbia & B.A. in Industrial Design at U. Washington

CMF為Color Material and Finishing,譯為色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝,屬於工業設計旗下專注於產品色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝的關鍵一環。在3C消費電子、交通工具、家居、時尚等行業,皆可以找到CMF設計的身影。



雖然與過去相比,CMF設計已經被越來越多人所知悉,但因其中的方方面面各有奧義,在尚未踏入CMF領域之前,網路上的文獻或許對於初學者較為艱深,恐難以獨自吸收。有感於此,筆者Rina於2020開始投入於撰寫CMF設計的科普文。Unwrap CMF 彩材拆拆圍繞著這個主題,以淺而易懂的小故事拆解CMF設計的日常,讓初學者都能簡單吸收。

線上課程《CMF設計是什麼?》也上架囉! Go


雖已於CMF設計領域任職十多年,但在許多方面依然是初學者,感恩能與大家能在學習CMF新知的道路上比肩並行。歡迎來到Unwrap CMF 彩材拆拆,一起認識這個令人著迷的CMF世界,也歡迎找我諮詢專案服務或感興趣的CMF議題:留言給我!

• 色彩策略
• 製造評估
• 趨勢分析
• 設計育才
• 臺灣製造國際推廣
• 專案、諮詢、講座、工作坊

2020-至今 Unwrap CMF CMF設計顧問兼主筆
2017-2020 摩托羅拉/聯想 CMF設計團隊負責人
2015-2017 阿爾卡特/TCL CMF設計團隊負責人
2014-2015 諾基亞/微軟 資深CMF設計師
2013-2014 楊明傑設計 CMF設計及運營經理
2011-2013 T-Mobile CMF設計師
哥倫比亞大學 量性方法碩士、華盛頓大學 工業設計學士

Instagram LinkedIn Unwrap CMF

Problem-solving CMF Fixer. Formerly manages the CMF Design team at Motorola, and currently a New York-based and world-traveling Design Consultant with specialty in CMF Design since 2011. 高雄囡仔,前世帶領摩托羅拉CMF設計團隊,今生定居於紐約並遊牧世界,任自由撰稿人兼CMF設計顧問,持續投入在CMF設計的科普推廣,並為提供CMF專案支持或諮詢服務。

4 thoughts

    1. Thank you Gary! Sorry I’ve been busy with other projects in the last two months. The next new article will be up this weekend! 🙂

  1. 在LinkedIn上看到妳分享的文章因而連結到妳的網站。同為CMF Designer很開心能看到一個這樣中英雙語的CMF相關的網站❤️

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