We are definitely moving into an era of exploring solutions in sustainable materials! Since I’ve been researching and writing about sustainable CMF, I got to learn all the different types of “ingredients” for making sustainable threads and yarns. But oh wow, I have to say, what I knew was only 5% of what I saw at PV Paris! Aside from threads and yarns, just leather alone, there are unimaginable paths in circular leather and/or alternatives.
For now, these sustainable soft materials are mostly applied on wearable fashion and accessories, but soon, it wouldn’t be surprised to see them on automobile and consumer electronics. I’m waiting for that day!
Let’s walk through these sustainable innovation with photos. If you fancy these sustainable materials from Première Vision, here is the Sustainable CMF Report in PDF that you can keep in your file. Comment, download, and share!
Unwrap-CMF_Sustainable-CMF-Report-from-Premiere-Vision-2023-07.pdf (4185 downloads )
Leather & Alternatives
Say goodbyes to animal cruelty! Just leather alone, there are unimaginable paths in sustainability. As brands and material scientists explore sustainable solutions, circular leather and its alternatives take the front row seats in this journey towards sustainable fashion – with a foreseeable future of expanding into luxury automobiles and home appliances.

Threads & Yarns
Since fashion retailers started introducing affordable and convenient clothes in the 90s, the exponential growth of fast fashion has resulted in significant waste. To address these environmental consequences, brands are challenged to explore alternative paths for sustainable threads and yarns, with the hope of stitching together the environmental wounds across the fashion, interior, and various other industries.

Sustainability & More!
Sustainability doesn’t end with leather and fabric! Global brands are actively embracing innovative solutions and regenerative materials, paving the avenue for a more responsible and sustainable future for all. This is just the beginning. We can expect a growing presence of sustainable materials in upcoming exhibitions and in-market products across various industries.

Download Sustainable CMF Report from Première Vision