[ 彩材拆拆 x ?????? ??? ]
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Ch.40 拆招CMF設計談透明塑膠的調色溝通

CMF is a specific discipline within industrial design that focuses on the development of a product’s color, material, and finish. Unwrap CMF writes about little stories of CMF Design for those who are interested in learning more about this niche field. Comments and inspirations are welcome!

By revealing the internal mechanical structure of electronic products, the use of translucent plastic adds a retro-futuristic sci-fi feel, as well as recalling the classic aesthetics from the 80’s and 90’s, contributing to its growing popularity as we move out of the pandemic and into the metaverse.

As translucent plastic becomes popular, questions regarding execution in mass-production also emerge. When thinking about what to use as the reference standards, Pantone’s plastic chips may first come to our minds. However, the price of the entire set of Pantone’s plastic chips is not… “friendly”. On top of that, plastic colors may change over time and lose its accuracy after a few years. Most importantly, even if the design team owns a full set of Pantone’s plastic chips, there is no point of using it for communication unless if the supplier also happens to have the exact same set in their hand… and they often don’t!

Therefore, for communication throughout color-tuning translucent plastic, in the absence of physical references, a rough expected effect can be first demonstrated using images or renderings (added with background objects to showcase desired transparency). The next step is for the supplier to prepare 3 to 5 different levels of color samples, with each sample’s colorant proportion and formula carefully recorded. This extra detail will allow us to effectively determine the most appropriate adjustment for the next round of color-tuning.

The habit of recording each round’s formula is rather important. That is because translucent plastic contains very little colorant, a slight proportion adjustment of the colorant can result in significant changes in color. For example, when color-tuning plastic in translucent orange, even the tiniest difference in yellow or red additive can cause noticeable changes in the hue and/or transparency.

In addition to colorant content, the polished or frosted texture of the tooling also affects the perceived transparency of the plastic. The thickness of the sample can also change the transparency and the perceived color at the end. As there are many factors that can affect the final result, when color-tuning translucent colors, it is preferred to use texture and thickness most similar to the final production if possible.

But that’s not it! Getting to the intended color and transparency is just the first step. If this happens to be an optical component, a balance must be tested and decided between desired transparency and optical performance. In addition, as laser-etching has its limitations on transparent materials, logos and artworks via laser-etching is not ideal. Instead, printing or in-mold solutions may be considered.

After all, translucent plastic isn’t anything new. We just got rusted because it hasn’t been widely used in the past decade. Just like introducing any new material or process, with or without an existing color-tuning procedure, do not let it stress you – all it takes is the adaptability of a CMF Designer to improvise when something arrives! ?

CMF為Color Material and Finishing,譯為色彩、材質、及表面處理工藝,屬於 工業設計 旗下重要的一環。Unwrap CMF( 彩材拆拆 )將圍繞著這個主題,以淺而易懂的小故事拆解 CMF設計師 的日常。








Translucent plastic contains very little colorant, so a slight proportion adjustment of the colorant can result in significant changes in color.
In addition to colorant content, the polished or frosted texture of the tooling also affects the perceived transparency of the plastic.
Verbal labels can mislead. For accurate communication with vendors, use visual or physical references to specify the desired effect.
As laser-etching has its limitations on transparent materials, logos and artworks via printing or in-mold solutions would be advised.
With its light transmittance property, translucent plastic can offer a unique edge-glow effect through the use of fluorescent content.

Comments and inspirations are welcome!
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Problem-solving ??? ?????. Former head of CMF at Motorola. A New York-based and world-traveling Design Consultant with over 13 years of specialty in CMF Design. 高雄囡仔,前摩托羅拉CMF設計團隊負責人,目前定居於紐約並遊牧世界,任自由撰稿人兼CMF設計顧問,持續投入在CMF設計的科普推廣,並為WGSN及羅技等公司提供CMF專案支持或諮詢服務。

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